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Current version: 1.2.0
Released: Sep 4, 2024


  • Added new commands (More info here):
    • Added new copy commands
    • Added new build commands
    • Added new object commands
  • Added new name commands
  • Fixed possible exception when attempting to build
  • Added 2 new icons


  • Fixed unnecessary using statements that would sometimes cause errors


  • Most types that derive from UnityEngine.Object are now supported out of the box
  • Added new [Prefab] attribute to specify prefab commands & parameters
  • Added new [Suggestor] attribute to easily create suggestions based on a type
  • Added setting to automatically add prefixes to non-static commands
  • Added setting to select which editor window to show the command field on
  • Added new icons and tweaked some icon colors
  • Added 6 new object commands
  • Added custom assembly definitions
  • Improved colors for light-mode editor UI
  • Fixed a bug where the text field would sometimes disappear
  • Fixed a bug with extracting containers from strings
  • Fixed a bug with reading string arguments inside containers
  • Small optimizations to the suggestion list


  • Fixed compile errors on import


  • If you have downloaded the asset before this version, we highly recommend uninstalling the old one, and importing this instead.